Very cool thing happened this week as a result of starting the Green Team @MHLS – we’re saving money already.
Our organization is in some dire financial straits after five cuts in two years from New York State and thanks to the fact that NYS has released just 50% of our funds and we’re in the 9th month of our fiscal year. Not fun.
Our interim director and business manager have done a super human job of cutting back, freezing spending and keeping “the ship afloat” so far. I was able to show that a number of the ideas we came up with on the Green Team would save us operating costs (upgrades to the lighting, new windows, etc.) But we’re in such a tough spot that even relatively small investments ($1,500 for the lighting) are out of reach right now.
But the collective mind proved to be stronger than the individual once again as more of my coworkers got thinking about things they are involved with.
- Our discussion about getting a water cooler that was less of an energy hog has resulted in the negotiation of not only a better water cooler but the company is waiving the lease fee.
- In talking to the person in our business office about what logos to look for on paper and other office products to make sure they are as environmentally responsible as possible we poured over the office paper catalog and I longingly pointed to the FSC paper which was more expensive than what we were currently purchasing. She said “I can get better prices than these” and she did. We’re now paying even less than we were before on a more environmentally responsible choice.
I’ve said a number of times what great experience the Green Team has been but to finally see cost savings, even minor ones, AND good choices being made is really rewarding.